Big Bang or Super Junior!?!
Listen to the Exhortation of the Dawn! Look to this Day! For it is Life, the very Life of Life. In its brief course lie all the Verities and Realities of your Existence. The Bliss of Growth, The Glory of Action, The Splendor of Beauty; For Yesterday is but a Dream, And To-morrow is only a Vision; But To-day well lived makes Every Yesterday a Dream of Happiness, And every Tomorrow a Vision of Hope. Look well therefore to this Day! Such is the Salutation of the Dawn!
Friday, May 27, 2011
Wednesday, May 25, 2011
Tuesday, May 10, 2011
Tuesday, March 22, 2011
Blogging tym!
Just last night, i stayed up till 2 a.m. Luckily, I had the strength to move on, with such kind of attitude. But I believe that my efforts to get the best for myself will be paid someday. Furthermore, I believe that Jesus Lord always be with and He won't go away from me. Definitely!
And tonight, gonna stay up until...don't know..
So that, no Facebook for a moment..I just spent 10minutes to do this crappy post to make sure that I can study.
*Lots of grammatical error! There's no time to edit this damn post! Hehe..later la edit..
Friday, March 18, 2011
Thursday, March 17, 2011
Banmal Song!
Tuesday, March 15, 2011
Farewell Dinner Labuan Matriculation College
Sunday, March 13, 2011
I'm tired of everything!
I wish I couldn't feel anything for anyone, because I'm feeling so bad for not having someone who loves me. Sometimes loving someone only brings sadness, and I'm tired of trying to be a good person, i'm tired of trying to be a perfect person, when i don't ..i just wanted some attention and some love, but i think it's impossible for me, maybe i'm asking too much. :)
Tuesday, March 8, 2011
Blogs Updates!
Wednesday, February 16, 2011
Let us learn Korean Numbers!
Sunday, February 6, 2011
The Story of Joshua and Caleb
God sends Moses into the land of Egypt to rescue and deliver His people from their slavery to the Egyptians. He throws 10 whopper plaques at the Pharaoh in order to get him to release His people from their bondage. God literally parts the Red Sea to complete the deliverance mission. God the Father performs one of the most powerful supernatural displays of signs and wonders that the world has ever seen to get His people pulled out of Egypt.
Moses tells God’s people that God will give them what He calls the Promised Land. It is a land flowing with milk and honey. He will settle His people down in this land and this is where He will then break the Israelites off into 12 different tribes.
However, there is one little catch to this story. Before they are allowed to enter into this Promised Land, they must all first pass a test with the Lord. God allows them to stay in the wilderness for 40 years. He gives them all the basics as far as food and water in order to survive in the wilderness for the 40 years. God purposely tested His people to see if they would hold fast to Him and follow all of His ways while in this wilderness setting. And time after time, they continued to get themselves in major trouble with the Lord.
At one point, God got so mad at their rebellious attitude, that He literally wanted to kill them. But Moses went into the gap for his people, pleaded his case before God as to why He should not kill His people, and the Bible said God relented and changed His mind – all because Moses stood in the gap and effectively pleaded his case before God.
However, just after a little over 2 years into this 40 year wilderness journey is where they finally blew it for the last time with God the Father. The Israelites sent twelve spies into the Promised Land to check out who the enemy was and to develop battle strategies to defeat them. God was going to allow them to go into the Promised Land, but they first had to defeat and drive out some of their enemies in order to conquer and possess the land.
When the spies came back, ten of them came back with a bad report. They said their enemies were giants and that their kingdoms were too well fortified and they would not be able to defeat them.
Now mind you, God had just got done delivering them out of Egypt with one of the greatest displays of His supernatural power the world has ever seen with Him throwing 10 whopper plaques against the Egyptians and then parting the Red Sea to give them safe passage into the wilderness.
When God saw all of their negative attitudes and their lack of faith and belief in Him and His power, He literally threw up His hands and said that was going to be it. At this point, He tells them that all of the men who are 20 years and older would not enter into the Promised Land due to their lack of faith and belief in Him. He said they would all wander in the desert for the next 40 years until they all literally died out in the desert. God says that their carcasses would fall in this wilderness and that their sons would be their shepherds bearing the brunt of their infidelity towards God.
The spies that went went in to spy out the land did so for 40 days. As a result of this bad report – God pronounces judgment that they should wander in the wilderness for 40 years to match up with the 40 days that they had spied out the land for.
Now this is where Joshua and Caleb come in. God then tells Joshua and Caleb that they and the younger generation under 20 years of age would be the ones who would be able to go into the Promised Land because they had “wholeheartedly followed God.” They had full faith and belief in God that He could defeat all of their enemies once they went into the Promised Land to conquer and possess it.
Joshua was the leader that eventually led them in. Moses himself was not allowed to go in and he died and was buried out in the wilderness. Joshua then took Moses’ position as leader of the Israelites. Joshua then goes into the Promised Land with his strong faith and belief in God, and then proceeds to literally wipe their enemies off the face of the earth and conquer and possess the land that God had promised their earlier forefathers Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob.
I will leave you with one last thought. Joshua and Caleb took their strong faith and belief in God, entered the Promised Land, and achieved total victory in God. The Bible says that God is no respecter of persons. What He will do for one, He will do for another.
If God is calling you to go through this door, then rest assured that you will have the full power of God operating through you to achieve total victory just like Joshua did!
It's Me!
- I can't wait to leave this island, Labuan. Wow..sedar x sedar, almost 1 year sudah study di Labuan nie. And the most important is what should I do after I finished here, Government Matriculation programme??
- I don't want to spend my 5 months at home. At least, mesti cari duit poket sebelum masuk University bulan september nanti. Maybe I'll continue my first Degree at UKM/UM/UPM/UTM.
- Owh, almost forget about my 5 months before entering Uni. I need to gain my works experience. Argghh..think about it later. My final exam is just around the corner! I need to pass this exam and then after that, ENJOY!!
- So far, I have too many assignments that need to complete and need to pass it as fast as possible. Don't talk about stress! Ia datang tanpa diundang pun. Memang susah sangat nak survive disini lebih2 lagi orang macam saya nie. But simply I say, I don't care what people said. God created me like this! So, just accept it. I'm special! That's all I can say.
- Just wish me luck! So that I can excel in my Exam. Forget about everything for sometimes. God will do the rest!
Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you.
Saturday, February 5, 2011
When I say "I'm a Christian!"
I'm not shouting "I am saved"
I'm whispering "I get lost!"
"That is why I chose this way."
When I say..."I am a Christian"
I don't speak of this with pride.
I'm confessing that I stumble
and need someone to be my guide.
When I say..."I am a Christian"
I'm not trying to be strong.
I'm professing that I'm weak
and pray for strength to carry on.
When I say..."I am a Christian"
I'm not bragging of success.
I'm admitting I have failed
and cannot ever pay the debt.
When I say..."I am a Christian"
I'm not claiming to be perfect,
my flaws are too visible
but God believes I'm worth it.
When I say..."I am a Christian"
I still feel the sting of pain
I have my share of heartaches
which is why I seek His name.
When I say..."I am a Christian"
I do not wish to judge.
I have no authority.
I only know I'm loved.
-Author Carol Wimmer - Copyright 1988
Saturday, January 22, 2011
John 14-6.
He is "the way" to the Father: all other ways lead to destruction and Hell. He is "the truth" embodied in human flesh - the fullness of the Godhead and the exact representation of the person of God. He is "the life" - who alone has immortality and who is, in his own person, "life." He is the fountain of eternal life of which we are called to drink - that we might have life - and that abundantly in the knowledge of God.
Do not be deceived, God is not interested in your sincerity, your morality, your church attendance or your Bible reading if you have not trusted in the person of Jesus Christ the Lord!
Monday, January 17, 2011
Sunday, January 16, 2011
Siapa yang KAYA?, Siapa yang MISKIN?
Entri pada kali ini ialah mengenai sebuah cerita yang sangat besar ertinya, sangat menakjubkan, dan merupakan satu renungan yang amat indah bagi saya.
Satu hari, seorang ayah yang berasal dari keluarga kaya membawa anaknya dalam satu perjalanan mengelilingi negeri dengan tujuan memperlihatkan pada si anak bagaimana miskinnya kehidupan orang-orang disekitarnya. Mereka lalu menghabiskan beberapa hari di sebuah rumah pertanian yang dianggap si ayah dimiliki keluarga yang amat miskin.
Setelah kembali dari perjalanan mereka, si ayah menanyai anaknya :
“Bagaimana perjalanannya nak?”.
“Perjalanan yang hebat, yah”.
“Sudahkah kamu melihat betapa miskinnya orang-orang hidup?,” Si bapak bertanya.
“O tentu saja,” jawab si anak.
“Sekarang ceritakan, apa yang kamu pelajari dari perjalanan itu,” kata si bapak.
Si anak menjawab :
Saya melihat bahwa kita punya satu anjing, tapi mereka punya empat anjing.
Kita punya kolam renang yang panjangnya sampai pertengahan taman kita, tapi mereka punya anak sungai yang tidak ada ujungnya.
Kita mendatangkan lampu-lampu untuk taman kita, tapi mereka memiliki cahaya bintang di malam hari.
Teras tempat kita duduk-duduk membentang hingga halaman depan, sedang teras mereka adalah horizon yang luas.
Kita punya tanah sempit untuk tinggal, tapi mereka punya ladang sejauh mata memandang.
Kita punya pembantu yang melayani kita, tapi mereka melayani satu sama lain.
Kita beli makanan kita, tapi mereka menumbuhkan makanan sendiri.
Kita punya tembok disekeliling rumah untuk melindungi kita, sedangkan mereka punya teman-teman untuk melindungi mereka.
Ayah si anak hanya bisa bungkam.
Lalu si anak menambahkan kata-katanya : “Ayah, terima kasih sudah menunjukkan betapa MISKIN-nya kita”.
Bukankah itu adalah perspektif yang sangat indah?.
Membuatkan kita tertanya-tanya apa yang akan terjadi bila kita semua mengucap syukur untuk semua yang kita miliki, daripada khuatir tentang apa yang tidak kita miliki.
Hargailah setiap hal yang kita miliki. Hargai setiap teman dan tolong mereka dengan memberi kesegaran baru pada cara pandang dan paradigma mereka.
Hidup ini terlalu singkat dan teman-teman (sebanyak apapun) terlalu sedikit.
Meskipun kita mempunyai segalanya bukan bererti kita kaya. Sedangkan orang sederhana yang (kelihatannya) tidak mempunyai apapun tidak bererti orang itu miskin.
Itu baru penilaian secara fizikal, belum lagi hatinya, imannya....Hanya Dia yang tahu..
Saturday, January 15, 2011
Random Facts about Me
Noise I love: Ocean waves
Noise I hate: The phone ringing
What turns me on (spiritually, creatively): A good book, being with my family, Korean movies/dramas, hanging out with friends.
What turns me off: Close-mindedness, gossip meant to hurt somebody
Profession I would like to attempt: I'm not sure yet..LOL
Profession I would hate: Discipline Teacher
Onto the Facts:
- There was a time in my life when I was unable to listen to anything other than 'memaki'.
- I can't and won't function without on9 in the morning.
- I only need 4 or 5 hours of sleep. Enough.
- I have great friends from all periods of my life.
- I love biographies. Excellent ones I have read: David McCullough’s bio of John Adams.
- I was made fun of in Primary School. People put signs on my back that said, “Look at my ugly pants!” Nice! LOL.
- Things I need to do before I die:
Travel to Moon
Become rich and so on.. - Studying at KML bores me.
- The only computer game I play is Sim City..hahaha
- I don't like cartoons..seriously!
- I couldn't live without Computers.
- I can spend hours on the phone...haha
- I hate the smell of TOILET!
- I love surprises.
- I speak Malay and English, and tried learning Korean, French, and Chinese.
- I love Facebook.